Mortgage Monday Newsletter | February 28th, 2022

Welcome to the Mortgage Monday Newsletter! Each week I will give you 1 Industry Insight, 1 Article to Read, and 3 Quotes to Ponder. I hope you enjoy, and if you do feel free to pass it along to your friends! 

Industry Insight

Clearly a lot going on in the news this past week, so I am here to give you the update on how that affects the real estate market. The Russia and Ukraine conflict has been putting a lot of strain on the stock market causing plenty of volatility. So, investors are now flooding back into the bond market, which is more stable, causing interest rates to lower. 

However, this puts the Fed in a real difficult situation moving forward. We have been talking since the new year about the Fed working to increase rates incrementally to help henge inflation. That plan was being executed as scheduled, but now like we said the situation overseas is causing an influx of investments into the bond market. A “catch 22” going on at the moment. We will continue to monitor the situation, but continue to expect rates to fluctuate frequently, and enjoy the current improvement we have been seeing. 

Joe Biden will address the nation tomorrow (3/1) for the State of the Union Address. We will see how that affects the market in days to come.

*The chart shows the 30-year bond market as of 9:30am this morning. The 30 year is up 15.51bps and up quite a bit from market closing on Friday. This market is moving quick so feel free to reach out if you have any questions. 

Article to Read

Quotes to Ponder

“The definition of mental toughness: You are able to focus and commit to your process when your career and your livelihood depends on your results.”

– Andy McKay

“Who would you be if everything you do was taken away from you?”

– Joshua Medcalf, Chop Wood Carry Water

“America’s culture wages war on mastery. We are bombarded with climactic moments, climax on top of climax, so we never know what a plateau is and we get discouraged.”

– George Leonard, Mastery

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